Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Not just DOTA, its TLE!

The first two months of the school year are over or the first quarter is over. It is my last year being in high school and I need to spend my last days in high school very memorable.

I love playing computer games like the famous game dota. I am good in playing this game but I am not good in my computer subject, TLE or ICT. Our first lesson in our class was about the history of internet and I learned that it originated in America and it was first used by the military. Internet is now known and used around the world like the Philippines which got wired 15 years ago.

I also learned how to create a blog. When I was in my third year, I created my first blog and I didn't know how to use it so it was useless. I was planning to use my first blog for my class in the fourth year but I forgot the password of the account so I created a new one.

There are still many days to go and I will still learn many things about our subject, TLE. I will spend my days memorable by studying hard, having high grades in TLE and playing DOTA. :D

Speak in English or Filipino with a smile =)

The English and Filipino language are the most widely used in our country, the Philippines. Speaking these dialects in our country is important. It can help on the development of our country and the unity of Filipinos.

The Filipino language is the national language of the Philippines. This language is widely spoken and is the language most understood in our country. There are subjects in our school like the Filipino subject that teaches the proper way of using this dialect because some of us speak in the wrong manner and it causes misunderstandings.

The English language is the universal language and the official language here in the Philippines. It is required for us in school to speak in English and Filipino. The teachers use the English language in teaching in order that the students can understand well the lessons and it is a preparation or a practice for us for our careers.

We must speak in English and Filipino with the proper manner. Our country will be known all over the world if us, the Filipinos will speak in Filipino and in English with kindness.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Smoke to croak

Having lifestyle diseases starts when we are still kids and it continues as we mature. Most Filipino's death are caused by lifestyle disease like cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

We can avoid these lifestyle diseases using the proper nutrition. Avoiding vices like smoking, drinking alcohol and unhealthy diets are needed to be healthy. We must have the proper balanced diet at it includes leafy vegetables like ampalaya that helps in curing diabetes. We also need to exercise to keep our body strong and fit. We must get enough sleep. The amount varies by individual and age, but most people need seven or eight hours a night. It's important to go to bed at a regular time and get up at a regular time. There is some evidence that people who take a short nap during the day lower the risk of heart disease. Let us all be happy because happiness helps healthiness, especially mental health.

A healthy person is a person who does not smoke, or drink alcohol or do drugs. A person who looks at things with open minds. A healthy person is a successful and a happy person.